Trying again: Faithful perseverance in seasons of difficulty

We’re sitting amidst another COVID spike, wondering, perhaps, whether we’ll ever clear this thing. I’m not an epidemiologist (and I don’t even play one on TV) but I do see something in the Bible that might be helpful right now—whether you’re frustrated with COVID or dealing with an entirely different challenge.

I wrote earlier this year on some applications from Noah and the account of the flood. I recently revisited the same passage and saw something new:

Noah released a bird four separate times as the waters began to recede.


Only on the fourth time did the dove not return, serving as evidence that soon the land would again be dry and inhabitable. 

Whether you are

  • grappling with the fits and starts of a new business venture, 
  • launching your children into the world, 
  • taking on a new role in the workplace, 
  • making friends in a new hometown,
  • or merely antsy for a post-pandemic reality…
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How Christians can respond to COVID-19

Image of coronavirus molecule. How can Christians respond to COVID-19?

What guidance does the Bible have to offer us in the midst of a pandemic?

How should Christians respond to the challenges presented by COVID-19? When (and how) will this resolve? We’ve all got far more questions than answers. The novel coronavirus isn’t specifically addressed in Scripture. But the Bible does offer the timeless, applicable wisdom we need–even for the situation we face.

I’ve been reading (and writing!) my way through the book of Genesis this summer. Noah’s “quarantine” in the ark in chapter eight felt oddly relatable (though I am not drawing a comparison between the flood and the coronavirus). So, I determined to follow his lead and discovered some practical nuggets that will help us continue to weather our current circumstances.

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