What a little light can do

With the glorious colors of fall also come darker mornings and afternoons. Not having the glow of morning sun to greet us can be difficult for those of us who don’t rise early enough to be greeted by darkness year-round. Even as a morning person (my kids laugh at how early I go to bed!), there’s something defeating about making my way into the kitchen or family room in the dark. 

I started using light timers to facilitate an easier entry into my fall and winter days. Though I’d used them for years to automatically turn on lights in the afternoons and evenings, having them click on in the mornings was something new. And I discovered how much I liked feeling the living areas of the house were already “awake” when I entered them.

But there was another—lovely and unexpected—spiritual boon to this electronic tactic I’ve been using…

The lamp that runs on a timer in my living room sits on the same table with my Bible. So every morning, there’s a warm light inviting me to sit down… to slow down before I even start to hurry… and read (sometimes write) the Word. There I hear God’s voice before the world gets loud. 

Surprised and delighted by this newfound perk, I started making that space feel even more like an invitation: Bible open, blanket ready to cover my feet. These simple choices have made meeting with God feel like the enveloping gift that it is.

It’s been a beautiful reminder that wherever I go (and whatever time of day it might be!), He is already there (see Psalm 139:7-12).  

Jesus described Himself as “the light of the world” and promised that “If [we] follow [Him], [we] won’t have to walk in darkness, because [we] will have the light that leads to life” (John 8:12 NLT). Reflecting on those truths makes seeing that lamp awaiting me in the morning an even more beautiful invitation.  

And you? How do you see God’s invitation to spend time with Him? How will you respond?