When you need a reason to pray

Reason To PrayFor some of us, prayer comes naturally. For others, less so.

I’ve got friends who make it through the entire Bible every year, but find prayer laborious. I confess, it’s not the best side of my spiritual life, either. My daughter recently expressed the same struggle: she said she didn’t feel close to God, probably because she’d stopped praying because it didn’t feel easy or comfortable. She was waiting to “want to” before she did. Before anyone gasps with horror, let’s acknowledge that we all have different “bents” in the spiritual disciplines. After all, I’ve got friends who would happily pray for hours, but rebel at the thought of reading their Bibles.  Read More

An apology and prayer for teachers

I felt like a schmuck.

Today in church, my pastor called all the educators in our congregation forward so we could collectively pray over them as the new school year begins. He noted our beautiful state of Idaho spends less than 48 other states on education. (At the time of writing; 2014.) My heart sank and I internally lamented how much I wish that were different. I instantly began plotting ways I could personally supply the needs of the many classrooms in my school… city… state. Ideas began to swarm in my head: fundraisers, donations, gifts. We can do this!

And then I winced.

I recalled a snarky post I’d made on social media just ten days prior about class registration.  Read More

On the Court: Part II

In last week’s post, my daughter’s basketball game illustrated the necessity of training our ears to hear God’s voice amidst the noise of our busy lives. The players on the court attuned themselves to their coach’s words and responded accordingly.

The faith illustration didn’t stop there for me, however.

The coach’s instruction, audible to those listening intently, was one simple word: “Doubles.” The girls immediately shifted their defensive strategy and double-teamed their tall, ball-carrying opponent.

We’re not meant to go through life alone.

Especially when facing challenges or a powerful adversary. God calls us to a strategy of ‘doubles.’  Read More