Posts Tagged ‘1 Peter 3’
Put your money (and sunscreen) where your mouth is
I’ve dug my heels in. But I may not be winning.
I make a conscious, daily effort to take a stand against the cultural norms of our day in the area of body image. Yep, that’s me: middle-aged, suburban rebel. Americans worship youth and beauty, thereby shackling women (in particular) with concern over their appearance. We pay thousands of dollars, and spend countless hours, “managing” our bodies as measured in pounds lost, grays dyed, wrinkles stretched/treated/injected, breasts implanted, cellulite extracted, teeth whitened, and the like.
I want something different for my daughters and the young gals for whom I lead Bible study.
For when grown women have tantrums over what to wear
When my daughter was young, getting her dressed was a chore.
It shouldn’t have been so hard… she had both a closet and dresser burgeoning with darling Gymboree ensembles. Nevertheless, our morning routines were never pleasant. Many hours were lost to screaming fits over the necessity of wearing pants, shoes and shirts. (She may not have been the only one screaming.)
Tights were the worst offenders. She was certain those tights were going to end up around her ankles. Read More
Not just a bad thing. Anything.
I like checklists, categories and formulas.
If you’ve been reading for any length of time, you already know this about me. In my life as a Christian, it’s tempting to reduce my relationship with Jesus to a set of behavioral checklists to satisfy. In my dialog with others, I see how many of us desire to know the ‘right’ way to act so our lives conform to the Christian image. In essence, we want a category to put things in so as to please God (or at least convey that appearance).
In reading the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20 of late, I was apprehended by the command against idolatry: Read More
Whose (by)line is it, anyway?
It was mine. All mine.
As a ghost writer, I don’t get the byline in the publication. And I’m okay with that: I do the writing, but the client is the subject-matter expert without whom I couldn’t write the article. Last week, however, I had been offered the byline for an article to be published in a nationally recognized magazine whose publication reaches 40,000 people. This is an uncommon honor for a ghost writer, and I was tickled pink.
The editor asked for my headshot; I sent it. My bio was requested; I submitted it. The writing was done, shipped off for publication. Read More