Now Hiring: Priests

Now HiringI’m not sure I’d apply for the job.

The Levitical preisthood, descended from Aaron among the tribe of Levi, had a job I’m not convinced I’d want. When I reflect on their duties, I have a mixed reaction. One part of me esteems their role highly: what a privilege to be chosen among the thousands for such important duties. They taught and blessed the people. They led them toward God and interceded on their behalves. They entered the Holy Place in the tabernacle (and temple) and burned fragrant incense.

Another part of me experiences revulsion at what their daily duties entailed: the bloody sacrifices of animals for guilt offerings. (Do you think the teenage Levites from Aaron’s line dreaded adulthood and having to go into the family business?) 

As a New Testament believer, you and I are part of the priesthood (1 Peter 2:5). After considering the duties of a priest, this idea gives me pause (and a bit of a shudder).

1 Peter 2:9 gave me a different perspective:

But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. (NLT, emphasis mine)

Because Jesus made the perfect sacrifice, once and for all (Hebrews 9:12), the priesthood no longer needs to accept blood sacrifices on behalf of the people. Instead, God’s Word tell us that our priestly duty is to show others the goodness of God. 

Hebrews 13-15
We represent God before an unbelieving world (1 Peter 1:15). We still have the priestly privilege of discerning right from wrong and  teaching others (Leviticus 10:10,11). We are called to bless those around us (Deuteronomy 21:5). And we get to sing of His goodness to all who will listen.

I am thankful that the Old Testament priests took their jobs seriously. Where would the Israelites have been without the Levitical priesthood to intercede on their behalves (especially given how far off track they got throughout their history!)?

Do you and I view this office we hold as sacred? Important? A privilege? I wonder if we’re too quick to shirk the role, for fear of offending others… not being politically correct… waiting for them to come to us? While those are each to be considered with love and gentleness, are we forgetting that to proclaim God’s goodness is a joy?

[Tweet “Proclaiming #God’s goodness is the privilege of the NT preisthood. That’s you and me. “]

During Advent, and at Christmas, we celebrate the arrival of our High Priest (Hebrews 7:17). Because of Him we can enter the Holy of Holies (Hebrews 10:19). What better reason could we need to share of His works? Yes, indeed, this office is a wondrous privilege to hold.

No need to apply. You are hired.