I’ve spent the week walking in Job’s sandals as I prepared to teach his story to two classrooms of high schoolers. (Check out Launch Ministries Christian release time Bible classes.) It’s a tough book to immerse one’s self in, so I’ve been on the hunt for some levity. Perhaps you, too, will get a giggle out of this snippet of my life from days gone by. (If you need another laugh, check out one of my most popular posts ever here.)
My second daughter has two different sized feet. Yes, this is common, but hers are dramatically different sizes. Prior to moving to Boise where Nordstrom is conspicuously absent, I was willing to shell out the extra bucks to buy her shoes there because they’ll sell you two different sized shoes as one pair — as long as the feet measure more than 1.5 sizes different. And hers did.
One day in the car together, this child o’ mine had an uncharacteristically vulnerable moment. Unprompted, she started talking about how having funny feet (her words) made her feel odd and embarrassed. Mike and I tried to empathize by sharing our feelings about our (gasp!) imperfect bodies. Then, my eldest daughter chimed in with wisdom beyond her years, saying, “Part of growing up is discovering how God made you special.” (Her comments are incontrovertible evidence that we are amazing parents. Our seminar will soon be available on DVD.)
I wish you could have seen my daughter’s eyes light up. “I know what happened! God made this [bigger] foot first, and then He made this one!” Perfectly plausible reasoning: the foot that was made first would start growing sooner and thus be larger.
Whatever size your feet, use them to take the Gospel to the world around you:
How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of the messenger who brings good news,
the good news of peace and salvation,
the news that the God of Israel reigns.
— Isaiah 52:7 NLT