Kirsten Holmberg

Ready to grow in your faith?

Me, too.  I'd love to share what I'm learning with you.

Here you'll find a collection of blog posts and articles to encourage you on the journey of faith. I hope you'll drop me a line if one of them is particularly helpful.


Can I offer that encouragement in person (or virtually)? Let's discuss your needs for a retreat or conference speaker. (Visit my speaking page for additional details and sample messages.)


And I've included a variety of other resources to equip you as well, including a free Bible study download, links to all my Our Daily Bread articles, and links to my other published blog posts and books.


Dig in, friend! I'm glad you're here.

Free Bible study

To equip you on the journey of faith. 

He is... therefore i am

Is there a difference between what your mind knows to be true about God and what your heart seems to believe?

The He is... therefore i am Bible study (co-authored with Julie Turner) examines six attributes of God's character and encourages participants to embrace the corresponding truths in their own lives.

The free e-book available for download. Printed copies of 10 or more also available by request.

HE IS Full Cover
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When is your next retreat or conference?

I have been speaking professionally for more than two decades. I still love every minute of serving ministries through spoken messages. Please check out my speaking page to discover some of the topics I'm often asked to address either as a keynote or workshop.

Maybe you or your event speakers need some support crafting and delivering their messages? I've coached TEDx speaker slates and ministry conference speakers and I'd love to come alongside your efforts as a coach, too.

Use the button below to schedule a time for us to chat so I can learn more about your event.

Kirsten's teaching was always well researched, but more importantly, it was delivered with a personal touch that drew her listeners in and helped them apply the Word in their daily lives.

—Andy L., Teaching Director, International Bible Study

From the blog

A collection of posts to encourage you in your faith. 

The painful (and sometimes funny) discovery of blind spots

When the irony fell on us all at the same moment, we dissolved into gales of laughter.  Fourteen of us sat around the conference room table in Chicago. It was an opportunity to gather with colleagues; most of us had never met in person.  On the first morning of our…

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The other kind of love

Ah, February. The month commonly associated with love because of Valentine’s Day. The stores flood with food, flowers, and apparel in various shades of red, pink, and chocolate. Oddly, I think it fills more of us with dread than delight: singles feel conspicuous in a culture focused on couples, and…

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Breaking bread instead of breaking fellowship

In the coming days (and weeks), many of us will gather with friends or family to share a holiday meal. We’ll put thought into who will encircle the table, extending invitations and setting a time to gather. We’ll put thought into the meal—possibly preparing favorite family recipes. And we might…

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Small boat, big God: Weathering Life’s Storms

You’ve read the story before, I’m sure… Jesus instructed His disciples to go to the other side of the lake. As they traveled, a storm began to rage; waves breaking into the boat.  Jesus was sleeping through it all.  Until they woke Him, asking whether He even cared that they might drown.…

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What I learned from writing out the entire book of Genesis

Yes, all 50 chapters of it. It took 179 pages and 346 days. I began on June 1, 2020 and wrote out between four and fourteen verses every day. Why? The short answer is that writing Scripture by hand keeps me engaged in a way that my wandering mind won’t…

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When “new” feels scary and uncertain

I know you’ve experienced them, too: transitions. Stepping into a new job and leaving the old one. Uprooting your household to relocate. Or just entering a new season in life (anyone else watching their nest emptying rapidly?). All change brings some degree of ambiguity–even if it’s a change we desire.…

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Our Daily Bread devotionals

I've been writing devotional articles for Our Daily Bread since 2016. It's one of my greatest joys. I love hearing from readers (maybe that's how you found me?) how God has used my work in their lives. You can easily find all the articles I've authored by clicking the linked button below and searching by author.