3 hacks for the nervous Christian communicator

My latest article for Our Daily Bread was the intersection of my two passions: faith in Jesus Christ and public speaking (and helping others do it well). The former is obviously more important to me than the latter, despite naming them in the same sentence. Many ODB readers contacted me with comments about their challenges speaking in public, so this seems a fitting time to offer some guidance for those in my faith-based readership who also need to share a message publicly.

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Ta-da! TEDx!

I’m dedicating this week’s blog post to the amazing 2020 TEDxBoise speakers.

This group signed on for a six-month effort to build the talk of their lives. That was back in October 2019.

Well, we all know what happened next… COVID.

In March 2020 we postponed the event and plotted a course toward a 2021 event with the same crew. And then we had an opportunity to get our speakers on stage in the fall, thanks to the generous folks at the Idaho Shakespeare Festival. So this resilient crew readied themselves to deliver their talks with just a few weeks of notice.

We are–at long last–ready to share their talks with you.

There are a wide variety of subjects represented in this cohort. I recommend you click through to the TEDxBoise site to read the descriptions and find the ones you’d most enjoy. But if you want to watch the whole thing through (as if you’d been at the event), you can find a playlist here.

I saw firsthand how hard each of these speakers worked on their talks. They didn’t have the benefit of a 400-person audience to help them launch their talks into the world so perhaps you’d be willing to share the ones you enjoyed with your own networks?


A vital key to time management and overall health (and great speaking)

I spent the month of June recovering from an emergency appendectomy. Apart from childbirth and a relatively uncomplicated shoulder surgery, I’ve never really been “laid up” before. In some ways it has been a welcome, though forced, slowing of my natural rhythms. In other ways, it’s been a downright nuisance (e.g., surgical pain).

Post-surgical instructions included resting and not lifting more than 30lbs. for 30 days. I’m not allowed to do anything strenuous and even walking can’t be on much of an incline. So, I’ve curtailed all my professional tasks, allowed myself to rest when needed, and moseyed my way around the flat sections of my neighborhood for the last several weeks.  Read More