First Light

I wasn’t sure I liked what it said.

My pastor suggested reading Psalm 63 as a daily practice during Lent. I embarked on it with anticipation, certain that I’d have the whole thing memorized by Easter just from reading it consistently. Day in and day out, I was pricked by just the first verse, the first few words:

You, God, are my God,
earnestly I seek you;
— Psalm 63:1a NIV

The word earnestly was my sticking point. It seemed to be the critical word in the sentence and yet I was uncertain of its intended meaning. Read More

Living Water

I’ve been teaching my youngest daughter about the importance of daily time spent with God, in prayer and in His Word. I directed her attention to a devotional book and did the first one with her to set the stage.

The passage was Psalm 63:1 ESV

O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you;
my flesh faints for you,
as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

Reflecting on thirst, I found it ironic that since this child’s birth, I have struggled with being hydrated. Not due to a lack of water available to me, but due to a lack of desire for it. I was the dutiful pregnant mother, slugging back the requisite ounces for my baby’s health. I continued to consume the water through the season of nursing her. But I went into a full state of hydro-rebellion after weaning. If I didn’t have to drink it, I wasn’t gonna. And you can’t make me. [Insert foot-stomping and arm-crossing here.]   Read More